Which route do you want to take? (scroll right to the bottom… some new programs added)

Fats and All That: How to become fat-fuelled & well-balanced $350 (Nutritional Ketosis and Therapeutic Ketosis Route – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, Cancer, Chronic Inflammation/AutoImmune Disorders)
Over 6 weeks, I will support you through a healthy transition into ketosis. My methods are using whole clean foods and I transition you gradually so there’s not a negative impact on your body, including hormones and stress response. I educate you on the importance of fats and explain which ones are good for you and of course which ones cause harm. We delve into not only the food in relation to what macros to eat, and how much, but we also look into other aspects of your life like current stressors, what you do for fun and movement, all to gain a holistic approach to these changes. You will find that once you’re into ketosis, the fat-fuelled machine you have become, comes with great benefits. You have more energy, you sleep better, you lose unwanted body fat and your brain power is bar none! The Therapeutic Ketosis Approach is designed for people with chronic inflammation issues like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Cancer or anyone looking to put a jump start to healing their autoimmune Issue.

30 Day of Extra Support: After you have completed ‘Fats and All That’ or ‘Carnivore‘ $160
The two programs, Fats and All That and Carnivore, both have substantial information and time to make important changes and transitions, but some people require that extra support. This extra support not only helps you commit to the lifestyle changes, but to help find balance with these new choices. I will assess your current lifestyle, determine if there are any obstacles that need to be addressed, and we will troubleshoot methods to overcome these for now and the future. This should get you feeling comfortable with your new choices and making them everyday habits. This support will be offered by e-mail or zoom for the 30 days.

Carnivore: 30 Days Eating Animal Products $400 (8 week program – includes 14 day prep before & 14 days after to re-introduce foods OR support making carnivore a lifestyle)or see ‘Get Meaty’ below
Yes, you read that correctly….30 Days of just eating animal products. This is the ultimate elimination diet. Who is this for??… Someone newly diagnosed with an autoimmune Disease, has a flare up in symptoms with an already diagnosed autoimmune Disease, your body seems to be over-inflamed (aches, pains, bloating, just not feeling like yourself), looking for fat loss in a simplistic fashion and for those who have the love of meat and are needing a little jump start/clean up to your diet. Check this site (https://healthprep.com/articles/fitness-nutrition/health-benefits-carnivore-diet/) out for some of the great benefits. This doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment, it can be just the 30 days. We will start 14 days before switch over to carnivore, taking key foods out to help make a smooth transition. I will support you through this journey and then an additional 14 days (so 8 weeks in total) after to either help you find ‘your version of carnivore’ OR help you re-introduce foods into your diet.

“Midlife and Marvellous: Crisis Averted” Re-Boot $400
This is for that woman/man that has been busy the last several years raising kids and/or working from home/building careers and suddenly realize they’re not the person they were 10, 12, 15 years ago. You’re not feeling the greatest, you’ve packed on a few pounds, you’re short-tempered, not all that happy, experiencing decreased libido, menopause/andropause is sneaking in…well guess what, I can help you gain back that energy and that sparkle that you once had! Over 8 weeks we will look at what’s going on in your life, make some changes, balance some hormones, work on stress and get you on that road to “This is the me I remember!”. (optional extra- fitness programming)

Midlife & Marvellous: DUTCH interpretation $600 (+ cost of DUTCH)
All of the above is included in this program, plus a full interpretation of the DUTCH and an individualized protocol based on your results. The program will carry on for 12 weeks, in order to check in and make some adjustments as you incorporate some of the strategies we discuss.

Get Meaty – 12 week program utilizing my app for dietary changes, movement, lifestyle habits and more… all with daily accountability $400
With this program, the intentions are to work on body recomposition using dietary tools along with movement including strength/resistance training (can be programmed for any level of fitness), some lifestyle habits, daily & weekly goals, all while being accountable to the app, myself and the group. Although it functions as a group, all dietary and movement is personalized just for you. Program starts on a set date. Next program starts in April 2024.

Terrain Advocate: support while you navigate through your cancering process (e-mail for costs)
This is for those who are seeking extra support during their cancering process to help navigate the ‘whole picture’ along with your caregiver(s), your healthcare practitioners and ultimately to assist you with your lifestyle choices to optimize your health. As a Holistic & Functional Nutritional Consultant, I can help you navigate into a therapeutic ketogenic diet and provide you with suggestions and direction with supplements to support your overall health.

Blood Lab Analysis: full analysis of your current (or past) blood lab results using ‘optimal ranges’, opposed to ‘so called normal’ ranges from the lab/conventional doctor $100-150 (based on depth of bloodwork)
Did you know that the ‘so called’ normal ranges you see on your lab results are from the 1950’s… and if they have been updated, they are based on the average population for your area… in which the average population is sick. In most cases, you DO NOT want to have these ‘so called’ normal ranges, that could mean you’re already starting a diseased state. I will go through each blood lab and assess it in regards to the ‘optimal ranges’, explain the possible ‘why’ to that result, ‘what to do next’ and what patterns I correlate to common diseases or issues that could be present.

Gym/At Home Movement Programming: Program your gym routine at home or in the gym (email for prices)
Looking to get back at it at the gym, but don’t know where to start? Or are you looking to achieve certain goals and don’t know how to get there? I can program your workouts, whether you plan to be at home or in the gym. You will receive weekly programming inside my app where there will be demo’s and explanations of each movement, personal notes/instructions and you will log your workout in here too! This way you keep accountable to me and I can continue to track your results on my end and make any amendments.